How To Make Jframe For Mac

Posted By admin On 20.09.19

Why put on't you make use of JDialog instead of JFramé. With JDialog yóu will have the option of displaying it design or modeless. Contact it from a JFrame class like JDialog objdialog = fresh JDialog(this, true); // use this constructor to display a modal JDiaIog on the current frame Respect Vijendra Beds Bhanot Program Er. EAI - Primary Information - From: ' pau. Viá java-l' Tó: 'vbhanot' Sent: Wednesday, Might 26, 2004 6:14 AM Subject: java-l Hów to make á JFrame modal ># 8d Technology Teams With Sun for Java-Based Cellular e-Paym. ># Look at News: >># Look at Group Save: >>Can be there a method to make á JFrame modal? >>l have always been introducing a JFrame course upon startup of an program.

But on my Mac I can still see the Dock and the top toolbar of the OSX. So how can I create a JFrame that really consumes my whole screen? Let's say that you want to make a JFrame (called frame) fullscreen when you press a button (called fullscreenButton).Then do the following. Fortunately, Apple has made it easy for you to customize the location of your menu bar when running on a Mac while leaving it where it is in the other look and feels so long as you have a top level JFrame for which you have assigned a menu bar using the setMenuBar() method.

  • Java - Screen Size on a Mac. Ask Question. Up vote 3 down vote favorite. I have a Java application, and in order to find the size of the screen to use, I do the following, for example. Browse other questions tagged java jframe jpanel toolkit or ask your own question. 7 years, 2 months ago.
  • The JFrame class will do most of the work of creating the window for us. It handles the complex task of telling the computer how to draw the window to the screen,.

>The is a principal window currently working in the history. >>I would like to suspend refinement in the main screen until the consumer quits the JFrame course. >>I know that a JDialog will do this, however, I have always been launching various other JFrame home windows from the previous JFrame. I feel not certain if a JDialog will help launching several JFrame windows fróm it. >>>.NEW Stép-by-Stép SSL Manual for Apache from thawte. >Check, purchase, set up and make use of a thawte Digital Certificate >>.

>.Archives: >.Manage Subscriptions: >.Leave Team: >.Need Subscription Assist? >.Conditions of Use: >.Copyright (g) ITtoolbox and information author. No redistribution. Tó make a JFramé modal u possess to create code u'l self, make setEnable(false) to the principal screen (from where u openning brand-new JFrame ).

When consumer quit the Jframe maké it setEnable(trué) - First Information - From: ' pau. Viá java-l' Tó: 'Dharmendra Gupta' Put: Wednesday, Might 26, 2004 6:14 Was Subject: java-l Hów to make á JFrame modal ># 8d Systems Groups With Sun for Java-Based Cellular e-Paym.

># Look over News: >># See Group Save: >>Can be there a method to make á JFrame modal? >>l am launching a JFrame class upon startup of an application. >The is a main window currently operating in the background. >>I would like to postpone control in the principal windows until the user quits the JFrame course. >>I know that a JDialog will do this, however, I am launching various other JFrame windows from the earlier JFrame. I are not certain if a JDialog will support launching several JFrame home windows fróm it. >>>.NEW Stép-by-Stép SSL Information for Apache from thawte.

>Test, purchase, install and use a thawte Digital Certification >>. >.Records: >.Manage Subscriptions: >.Leave Team: >.Need Subscription Help? >.Conditions of Use: >.Copyright (chemical) ITtoolbox and message author. No redistribution. He u perform like this new CompanySelect.present; this.setEnabled(false); (this hope full JFrame or JWindow) // not getContentPane.setEnabled(fake);.setEnabled(fake); when u close up CompanySerlect JFame contact setEnabled(true); on parent window item (pass it to CompanySelect class and make use of) - Unique Message - From: ' pau. Viá java-l' Tó: 'Dharmendra Gupta' Put: Thursday, May 27, 2004 12:59 PM Issue: java-l Re: How to maké a JFrame modaI ># ITtoolbox Presents IT Outsourcing Coverage from the Front side Collection ># >># Look at Group Save: >>Thanks for the clue. >>If I place the using statements in >getContentPane.setEnabled(false); >brand-new; >getContentPane.setEnabled(true); >There is no change in habits - presumably because the main JFrame can be disable and after that allowed. >>How can I send to the major JFrame fróm within the CompanySeIect JFrame?

>The principal JFrame does not possess a title as this course is released by primary.

Just searching through some older code for a Java/Swing publisher I started writing years ago, I saw this series of code that I included particularly for the Mac pc OS Times platform: System.setProperty('', 'WikiTeX'); For a Java application working on Mac OS Times (a 'Macintosh Coffee' software), this sets the name of the primary menu on the Mac pc menubar to 'WikiTeX', which happens to end up being the present name of my manager. As I stated in an earlier posting, you furthermore need this collection of program code to place the Java JMenuBar on the Mac OS Times menubar: System.setProperty('apple.laf.useScreenMenuBar', 'genuine'); What the héck, while I'meters here I'll protect it all.

By Jan 2003 There can be a marketplace complete of a huge number of potential customers for your Java program that you may not really be contemplating. They have got the Coffee 2 Standard Edition (L2SE) v1.3.1 pre-installed on their computers and may not really even understand it. With a few simple tweaks you can provide your Coffee software a indigenous look and sense so that Mac pc OS X users can install and operate your application without getting conscious that they are usually working a cross-platform application.

Despite its pretty face, Mac OS X is built on best of BSD UNIX and arrives full with J2SE and Coffee Web Begin set up. Developers can take open a Terminal windows and find that their favorite geek equipment like vi, émacs, and the Coffee command series tools are already installed. Check a checkbox ánd you've enabled the built in Apache machine. The Mac pc is a great system for Coffee developers with a wide selection of commercial, free, and open source advancement tools available. Whether or not you develop on a Mac, consider the time to make a small amount of adjustments to your software so that you supply a Mac-like encounter for the thousands of possible customers who already use Macintosh OS X.

These end users put on't care what vocabulary your program is written in, they simply need a double-clickable software that can be appealing and simple to use. In this series we'll look at what you can perform to your Coffee program to make the expertise more Mac-like. Aftér all, the finish users don't care what language an application is written in any even more than you care if this post is selected in longhand, ón a typewriter, ór on a TiBóok. There are three stages to making your application feel more like a native Mac OS X program when running on a Mac without changing the appearance and experience on some other systems.

In this write-up we'll appear at some óf the runtime properties you can arranged to proceed the position of the main menu club, personalize the Software menu, and tweak the look of the frame components. Next time we'll appearance at adjustments to the code that will change the keyboard shortcuts, customize the design of selections, and tweak the actions of your application.


In the 3rd article, we'll appearance into packaging and deploying your Java application therefore that customers don't have got to think about jar files, system scripts, or starting a Terminal window. At his Come july 1st 2002 MacWorld Expo keynote, Apple Top dog Steve Tasks documented that there had been two and a fifty percent million Macintosh OS A users and that by the finish of the 12 months there will be five million customers. As a Java designer, you might write off this as nevertheless getting a small proportion of the individual computer market. On the some other hands, every edition of Macintosh OS A is a system ready to run your Java application.

Incorporated in Apple company's operating system is usually both thé JRE ánd JDK for J2SE v1.3.1. Even at customer shows such as MacWorld, Careers allows audiences understand that Apple company can be the major supplier of UNIX in the world. Supplying the tools that developers need on the platform is already bringing brand-new first class applications to Mac OS Times. For Coffee developers the task is actually less difficult.

There can be no stage three You might remember Apple's advertisement for how simple it had been to arranged up and link to the web with iMac. After instructing the audiences to consider the device out of the package and put it in, the announcer laughed to himself that 'there is definitely no stage three.' In some methods, bringing your Java program to Mac pc OS A is certainly that simple.

Allow's begin by running the open source device testing program JUnit on Mac pc OS A. I like using JUnit as an instance because, as we'll see, it was clearly not really created on or for a Mac pc but we can simply personalize it to appear more Macintosh like without coming in contact with any program code. Head to the home page and download the latest edition. On a Home windows machine, make use of your preferred tool to broaden file, open up a Control windows and get around inside of the junit3.8 index. Run JUnit with this control: coffee -cp junit.jar. Junit.swingui.TestRunner junit.examples.AllTests The Swing edition of thé JUnit TestRunner wiIl begin up and run the exams referenced in the course junit.samples.AllTests. You should see something like this: Amount 1.

JUnit running on a Windows container It may surprise you to find out that you can follow the exact same methods on a Mac pc. With UNIX undérneath you can open up up a Terminal screen and run JUnit from the order range the exact same as you wouId on a Home windows box. You'll find the Terminal software in Programs/Utilities. After getting the JUnit zip file to your Mac pc, use the container tool to expand it. Although the Macintosh does come with the Stuffit expander, previous versions acquired issues with documents with lengthy titles and therefore some of the inner classes in JUnit will become renamed when they are usually extended. You can avoid these issues by using the container application or gunzip.

There are usually a few of differences in running JUnit on Mac pc OS A. Very first, you put on't need to worry about setting up the JRE - it's component of the OS.

Second, you require to modify the semi-colons that are used in Home windows to separate data files in the cIasspath with colons, thé regular UNIX separator. Right here's the modified command word: coffee -cp junit.container. Junit.swingui.TestRunner junit.samples.AllTests Without any adjustments, JUnit on Mac pc OS A looks like this: Shape 2. JUnit operating under Macintosh OS A We get a lot for free. If you put on't identify a look and sense for your Coffee application, the Aqua appearance and feel is utilized as the default on Mac OS A.

You observe the buttons and dividers and scroll pubs help this application look as if it had been composed for Mac pc OS Back button. In reality, with the most recent version of JUnit, the club may become more three dimensional.

It will also be blue and not really green. Although this doesn't look and experience specifically like a native application, this is definitely a excellent first action that required no effort from you. Let's observe how we can improve on this by setting up some runtime attributes. Shifting the menus pub On a Mac, application menu bars belong at the best of the display. To a longtime Home windows user this may appear insane while to an experienced Mac user the best of the display is the natural location for a menus pub. This is certainly a religious issue and neither side is likely to convince the various other. Preferably, if you are usually writing a Java software that targets both platforms (and maybe others), you would including it to experience like a Windows program on a Home windows device and like a Mac pc program on a Mac.

Fortunately, Apple has produced it simple for you to personalize the location of your menus club when running on a Mac pc while leaving it where it is certainly in the additional look and experiences so longer as you have got a best degree JFrame for which you have got designated a menus bar making use of the setMenuBar method. Set the system real estate to have the value true. You can do this at the command range like this: coffee -cp junit.swingui.TestRunner junit.samples.AllTests Review the two images below. In the initial, the system house hasn't been set and the JUnit menus appears within the JFramé. In the second, the system property has been established and the JUnit menu moves to the display menu bar next to the Apple and the Program selections. The JUnit menu club within the JFrame Shape 4. The JUnit menus bar in its correct place Even more tinkering with the menus bar While we're here, let's look a little better at the Application menus.

This is usually the menu for the currently running software. It shows up simply to the perfect of the Apple menus (the menu underneath the Apple logo). In this situation the application can be the name of the class we're also working: junit.swingui.TestRunner. This is definitely also the title shown when we mousé over the software symbol in the dock. We can modify this title in both places by setting up the -Xdock:namé parameter. As án example we could alter it to JUnit on Mac OS X like this: coffee -cp junit.container.Xdock:title='JUnit on Mac OS Back button' junit.swingui.TestRunner junit.examples.AllTests To keep the command series from obtaining overloaded with as well many options we're only experimenting with one paraméter at a time. Of program you can add as several of these as you'chemical like.

As soon as you have a lot of options you'll obtain tired of typing them aIl in. In thé 3rd installation we look at choices for packaging and disseminating your Coffee software to Macintosh OS X owners.

For now, we're only setting up the parameter for setting the name of the program. If you possess an symbol for your program that you'chemical like to give to show up in the pier you can make use of the -Xdock:icón parameter. You'Il see in the image below that the JUnit menus is back again inside of thé JFrame. As desired, the title of the Program menu provides been changed. The renamed Software menu Here's a appearance at the Application menu that is automatically made for JUnit.

The items of the Program menus You can find that the title of the program has been packed in next to the choices for Cover and Quit. In truth, without any coding on your component, hiding and quiting béhaves as the consumer needs for any Macintosh OS Times program. When they key in Command-Q the Application quits (in this case by contacting System.exit(0)). When they key element in Command-H the program covers and can be unhidden by clicking on on the image in the Dock. The one element usually discovered in the Software menu that hasn't happen to be created for you is definitely an About menu item.

You can arranged the title for this item and have got it automatically included to the Software menus by setting the system real estate like this: java -cp junit.swingui.TestRunner junit.examples.AllTests The good news can be that today there is certainly an 'On the subject of JUnit' item in the Software menu. The poor news is definitely that it doesn't perform anything.

Even though JUnit arrives with an About box, we need a little bit of program code to cable this upward properly. So after a fast look at the menu with the 'About JUnit' product, we'll overlook all about this choice until next time. Adding About JUnit to the Program Menu Good tuning the look and sense A several other system properties allow us to fine tune the look of a Java software without altering the code. For instance, you might have noticed that the grow package in the lower right hand part slightly obscures the Exit switch.

An intrusive grow package Preferably, we'd move the JButton ovér a little tó the still left. This would need that we go back again and modify the program code. Another choice is certainly to arranged the home like this: coffee -cp junit.swingui.TestRunner junit.samples.AllTests Now a border is included to the bottom level of the JFrame so that the grow package can'capital t sit down on best of any parts contained in the JFramé. In this situation, this switch accomplishes what we wish. A non-intrusive grow box There are usually, however situations when it doesn't look very great. You'll notice this awkwardness pointed out if you've obtained a in a different way coloured JPanel inside óf your JFrame. Once again, without altering the code in the first program this will be our just option.

While we're also on the subject matter of grow boxes, you require to determine what you need to take place when a consumer grabs the grow package and drags it. One choice is certainly for an outline of the JFrame to show up that shows the measurements of the resized screen like this: Amount 10. A proxy see of the résized JFrame You máy prefer, instead, to have got the real home window resize as the grow box is certainly repositioned. This may indicate some intermediate uncomfortable views of the software as the redrawing challenges to keep up. This live life resizing is definitely the default habits for Java programs on the Home windows system and for many native Macintosh OS Back button applications. It is not really the default behavior for Java applications on Macintosh OS Times, but you can fixed it like this. Coffee -cp junit.swingui.TestRunner junit.examples.AllTests Another subtle adjustment will be to the size of the tab.

It can be difficult to perform cross system GUI style if you try out to fixed the dimension and location of parts specifically. One obstruction is certainly that the font size is various on different platforms. Apple company enables you to choose between using huge and little dividers. The default is certainly for huge dividers and which one you select is simply a matter of reasoning. You indicate small dividers like this: coffee -cp company.macos.smallTabs=true junit.swingui.TestRunner junit.examples.AllTests The very first picture below exhibits the bigger dividers and the second image displays the effect of choosing small tab. The default tab size Shape 12. The smaller sized tab size Summary By setting a several runtime qualities, your Coffee application will feel even more like a native Mac software without any code modifications.

This indicates that, in several situations, you can apply these attributes to Java programs to which you don't have got accessibility to the program code to personalize them for the Mac. In the next write-up we'll burrow a little deeper and change the program code to improve the consumer experience.